News, Events & Insights

Screenshot of zoom windows with people holding up drawings they did.


5 Virtual Icebreakers and Energizers

To keep your team performing at their best, here are a few ice-breakers and energizers to apply at opportune moments.

Screenshot of Forrester research title page


Design Thinking's Economic Impact

IBM and Forrester research recently captured the value of design thinking.

Woman smiling while playing interactive games in a collaboration workshop


Design Thinking Workshop: Nov 13th

You can now join our design thinking workshop from anywhere in the world!

A paper prototype of a computer.


Design Thinking Intro: Mar 21

Join us as we partner with the School of Visual Concepts to bring you another Intro to Design Thinking workshop

Two people building prototypes in a design thinking workshop


Design Thinking in Seattle: Oct 12th

Join us at the School of Visual Concepts in Seattle, WA.

Screenshot of article showing


How far out is the future?

Many organizations struggle to plan for 5-10 years out because they are constantly worried about the short term.

Ed Catmull seated


Let your ideas suck. Focus on group dynamics

Creative output comes not from the ideas themselves, but from great group dynamics.

Curious? Let's chat.

The time to invest in your team is now. Get the tools and experience to take your organization to the next level.